Public procurement think tank started in october

In October, the first Public Procurement Think Tank was held, targeting clients from the office of procurers, with the following central themes:

  • Relying on indicators of another person;
  • Integrity of procurement documents - what is actually needed, and how much of the work done by the procurer is useless or duplicative, as the law already ensures it;
  • Selection of compliance conditions in the Public Procurement Register.

💡 The workshop was attended by representatives from various procurers, and one of them was Pilleriin Peedosk, the procurement unit manager of Elering AS. She expressed, "The idea of bringing procurers together so that we can not only learn from Kadri but also from each other's wisdom and ideas was very apt - many heads are indeed better than one! On one hand, it was comforting to hear that others have similar concerns, and on the other hand, it was even more enjoyable to share various tips on how these issues are attempted to be solved. I definitely wish to actively participate in future workshops myself and recommend it to others!"

The second workshop in the series, focusing on changes to procurement contracts, will take place in January.

The workshop is a 1-2 hour brainstorming, discussion, and knowledge-sharing event, with each session addressing a specific question. The event takes place at least once a quarter, both in person in Tallinn and on Teams.

Currently, the workshop is only open to clients.

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